Switch from Klinik to Anima (Online Triage)

On the 17/04/2023 Our online triage service will change.
As many of you know we started using online triage in September last year, it has been hugely successful and now 76% of all health problems are submitted online.
Unfortunately as a side affect of becoming more accessible, overall demand on the practice has increased by 19% which is not sustainable with our current staffing levels. We are going to continue to advertise for more GP’s and supporting staff, but Anima is one of a few efficient tools we hope to take advantage of to alleviate pressure on our already stretched team.
We have decided to switch to Anima, not only to provide patients the ability to track their cases, reviews, appointments and any other queries in real time. But to also help promote relevant local services while patients complete online triage questions.
Our list size is now approximately 18,000 patients and only 9 doctors so we need to utilize the full care network in order to provide for all our patients.
Anima is also a lot more efficient for us in the practice as it automatically adds (after being reviewed) all relevant answers and readings from the triage questions on to your medical record in a format that is reportable. It provides us a much better picture of your health and saves us admin time.
It is also ready for hub working models which is something we are hoping to take advantage of with specialist clinicians across Taunton.
This does mean that patients will require a log in to use the new service (you can use your NHS Login for this), but it is the only way to securely allow you to track your cases.
You can sign up ahead of the 17th by going to https://patients.animahealth.com/signIn